Plastic road plates

For the lighter work

Plastic road plates are lightweight and can be attached to each other, using special metal mounting plates and bolts. This provides a stable and safe surface for pedestrians, cyclists and (light) machines.

  • Lightweight
  • Can be attached together
  • Easy to transport

Keep your budget

under control with plastic road plates

The road plates have a size of 240 x 120 x 1.7 cm and weigh approximately 32 kg each. This makes the plates easy to transport and the costs also remain low because many road plates can be transported with the same load.

So if you can get by with lighter plates, we recommend our plastic road plates.

Want to know what we can do for you?

Get in touch

European Crane Mats, Ekki Crane Mats, Crane Mat Supplier Europe, Construction Matting Solutions, Heavy-duty Ekki Mats
Welex Team

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